“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh
By this time, you have received a handful of emails from me, some lengthier than others, but hopefully a blessing to you. I trust that you have met with the Lord in prayer about if and how you can be a part of “Year End Giving” this season. If you have not already made a decision, I would like to take one last moment of your time and be an encouragement.
As quoted above, great things are not done in an instant. These things take time and require much work. The work of the Lord is of no doubt, GREAT. Our ministry is seeing so many blessings throughout the year, and we are motivated to do more. We will never stop working to win souls and equip others to help us do the same.
Support that we receive monthly, helps us to keep the “small things” going. These smaller parts of our ministry are what ultimately come together to show BIG results!
- Souls SAVED
- Pastors TRAINED
- Churches EQUIPPED to train their own
…and so much more!
I want to remind you one last time that your donation, no matter how big or small, will IMPACT GREATLY.
You are making a difference.
By the way, your involvement will not stop with just your Year End donation! So many of us make a first-time charitable contribution to an organization, but never find out what a difference we made! I can assure you that you will hear from me with continued updates on our ministry. If you do not already follow us on social media, please check us out there for a more interactive approach and what we are doing!
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for your support. God WILL bless and use YOU!