December, 2021 Kenya Campaign

(An Exciting Report From Bryan Treadway)

408 delegates committed to train over 47,000 soul winners and plant nearly 1000 churches – in two years!!

In 1 Chronicles 4:10 Jabez asked God to “Enlarge my coast.” We at Operation Go International have been asking God to do the same! He answered our prayer in great ways with our recent trip to Kenya.

Pastors, leaders and delegates in training “under the tent”

Dr. Wood, Bro. Bryan Treadway, and Bro. Peter Chege went there for about 11 days in December and are amazed at God’s hand on their trip. Praise the Lord!

We also held an ISWDI and are humbled by the blessings of God. We had a little over 400 register and others that just attended. We saw commitments to train over 47,000 to be soul winners and to plant nearly 1000 house churches in the next two years! During the conference, we went soul winning and had over 100 precious souls trust Christ! A deaf pastor that was trained got a burden and figured out how he could be a soul winner and personally led 14 people to Christ during the conference! Hallelujah! His coast was definitely enlarged.

This conference brought in pastors from several new areas of opportunity in Africa and allowed us to expand our footprint by identifying leaders to help us reach all of Africa for Christ! Our coast was enlarged and enriched by this trip.

We want to thank you for your support of this ministry. Without it, trips like this could not take place. Your support and prayers for us to enlarge our coast and seeing God’s answer has in turn enlarged your coast! What a great God we serve!!


Click here to review the status and potential of the construction of our Kenya Ministry Center.

Pastor Ezekiel Odira (Deaf) from Nairobi led 14 to Christ!