The Saturation of a nation of 1.1 billion people with the Gospel!
Is what you just read possible? As a team, with God’s enabling, can we take steps to see this become a reality? Can India be saturated with the Gospel?
Training and Equipping 50 National Pastors in Soul Winning & Church Planting in Every One of the 36 States of India – AT THE SAME TIME!!!
The RESULTS of taking the first outreach step. Nearly 2 million precious souls would be reached nationwide while hundreds of house churches would be planted and that one outreach step would be multiplied as those reach and win others.
Taking that same powerful outreach step – not just once, but several times! Seeing millions being reached for Christ and newly planted house churches in each of the 36 states.

Training and Equipping 50 National Pastors in Soul Winning & Church Planting in Every One of the 36 States of India – AT THE SAME TIME!!!
The RESULTS of taking the first outreach step. Nearly 2 million precious souls would be reached nationwide while hundreds of house churches would be planted and that one outreach step would be multiplied as those reach and win others.
Taking that same powerful outreach step – not just once, but several times! Seeing millions being reached for Christ and newly planted house churches in each of the 36 states.

Following the Biblical strategy of Operation GO International we have been privileged, by our Lord, to serve in India since 2005. In 14 years, we have focused on training National Pastors in soul winning and church planting. For 3 days, while working from a syllabus in their own language, they learned the “how to” of personal soul winning and developed the leadership to return to their congregations — equipped to train and activate scores of lay soul winners. Each pastor was then given the entire Operation Go trainer / trainee program; again, in his own language.
God mightily blessed. A National office was established. This allowed us to practice reasonable accountability. In the following 24 months, after each pastor was trained and equipped, he activated nearly 100 soul winners who won 10 souls each to Christ… in his local area!
In the first 14 years: Over 21,000 National pastors were trained and equipped — several million precious souls were reported coming to Christ — an thousands of “house churches” were planted — TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!


This initiative, “India Phase 3” will allow Operational GO International to have an active office in all the 36 states in India. Each office will be directed by a trained National pastor. He will have graduated from an ISWD Institute and would have used the Operation Go Program successfully in his own local church.
The dedication and sacrifice of these men is unprecedented. The entire nationwide strategy will be under the direction and management of our India Director, Thomas Maher.
Each of the state leaders, after receiving sponsorship, will schedule an ISWD Institute in his own state. Each campaign will train and equip a minimum of 50 National pastors. This means that 50 new Pastors will be trained and equipped in that state. In the following 24 months each of these Pastors will train, equip and activate 100 lay soul winners in their local church. These lay soul winners will reach 10 souls each with the Gospel. Additionally, 75 or more home churches will be planted. This will occur simultaneously in all 36 states.
The Potential
Each of us, as donors to the Witness Project will have the opportunity to claim one of the 36 states as our own — to pray daily (for the safety of the National pastors as they labor, for the needs of the people in that state, for the new Christians that are reached). What an awesome task!
The ISWD Institute held in your state will train and equip 50 National pastors. That means that 50,000 precious souls will be reached in that state for Christ with scores of churches planted!!
In all 36 states, every state director will conduct an ISWD Institute — on the same date — 36 campaigns will be conducted simultaneously — which means that with 50 National pastors being trained in every state — 1800 pastors will be trained and equipped. How exciting to know that nearly two hundred thousand lay soul winners will be activated in the next 24 months potentially reaching TWO MILLION for Christ!

And that’s when only ONE POWERFUL STEP is taken each year! And, just like in the Book of Acts, there would be exponential growth. Our stewardship will continue to MULTIPLY GREATLY….investing in what we cannot lose.
By God’s Grace, “India Phase 3” was launched in January of 2020!! And, together, as a team, we began to “Saturate a nation of 1.1 billion people with the Gospel’! It was a grand way to enter the 2020s — what we envisioned together as – “The Decade of The Gospel”.
Will you pray over being one of the 36 — who will partner with us — as we take the NEXT STEP? As you pray, please consider the following.
AN ENTIRE STATE can be sponsored for a one time gift of $1200. Or, your gift can be given systematically at $100 per month. Your gift will PROVIDE EVERYTHING —
Travel, lodging, food, the syllabus and the entire Operation Go Program, in their language for 50 NATIONAL PASTORS! (That’s only $24 per pastor!)
You will immediately receive a “Packet of information’ with a Map of India showing all 36 states.
Included will be a map of YOUR STATE giving full information on the population of that state and the spiritual condition.
Your state map will also have a picture with the name of your State Director and the National Evangelist who will be working with him.
After that Powerful STEP has been taken nationwide, you will receive, from our ministry, a full report… containing the number of pastors trained and equipped in your state — the number of soul winners they committed to train — the number of churches they committed to plan.
By God’s Amazing Goodness, a Very Special Blessing —
50% of the 350 people groups in India have never been reached with the Gospel. Through our combined partnership in enabling this Biblical outreach strategy, hundreds of these unreached Groups will be reached with the Gospel within the first few years! Additionally, house churches will be planted in each one… equipped with outreach and discipleship capacity!!