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Types of Meetings

Types of Meetings

21st Century Soul Winning Seminar

Our passion is helping believers win souls. This special event is designed to train any believer in the “how-to” of winning converts by using a biblical soul-winning plan.

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Local Church Crusade

The church is God’s instrument for worldwide evangelism. With Holy Spirit power, the lost can be reached and believers energized for commitment to service. There has never been a time more necessary for well-planned local church crusades than today.


Sunday Only

We provide an array of options for Sunday only services to bless your church.  Including themes such as soul winning, missions, stewardship, family, and church anniversaries.  Contact us today to schedule your next special event Sunday.


Soul Wining Conference

9 Inspiration Sessions

The Conference Team will train and equip your members and Leadership for results.


Mission Conference

Have Operation Go International come and speak at your Mission Conference.


Seminar Speakers

Every pastor, church leader, and layman will find this 21st Century Soul Winning Seminar invaluable for church growth, baptisms, excitement, and a greater vision for lost souls. We will come to your church to train the entire congregation in Soul Winning absolutely free.

Bryan Treadway

Operation Go International

Upcoming Events

Find a Meeting Near You

The Operation Go International team will be traveling to West Virginia.  Our host Pastor is Eric Davis at Packs Branch Baptist Church. Our speaker will be [...]

Host A Meeting At Your Church

Host a Meeting at your church for free. Fill out the form below to receive detailed information for planning and hosting your event.

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Learn More About It.

If you’d like to learn more about hosting, attending, or have other questions about our seminars, please give us an email address so we can reach out to you.

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