Dear Friends of the Ministry,
Christmas is a profound season that not only commemorates what God has done for us but also inspires us to extend generosity to others, following His example of giving. It is a season rich with meaning, reminding us of the privilege and joy we have in helping those in urgent need during these festive times.
This campaign holds a special place in the hearts of LeAnne and I, as it truly encapsulates the teachings of Scripture and the compassion of Christ. The opportunity to make a tangible difference in the life of an individual or a family is a gift that transcends the holiday season. It has lasting effects that resonate throughout the entire year and, most importantly, for all eternity.
Your contribution this season can profoundly impact someone’s life. We encourage you to take a moment to review the catalog and prayerfully consider the different ways you can invest in the lives of others. By doing so, you will not only bring hope and assistance to those in need but also lay up treasures of eternal significance in Heaven. Together, let’s embrace the spirit of giving this Christmas, ensuring that our generosity reflects the love and kindness that God has so freely bestowed upon us.
Bryan Treadway