WARNING: READING THIS BOOK MAY CAUSE SPIRITUAL WHIPLASH!! If people could sum up your life in one sentence, what would they say? Would it include soul winning? In The Jerusalem Factor, Dr. David Wood recasts Soul Winning in its Biblical roots and empowers Christians with the tools and confidence they need for an "anytime / anyplace" witness. Learn how to successfully take the message of Jesus Christ to family and friends It is our strategic goal to recast soul winning into the biblical roots from which it came -- God's way. We take our Lord at His Word when He said, "...he that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30b. "...Over the past generation evangelical America has been seduced by so-called experts who have convinced us that soul winning is out of step with 'real world Christianity.' As a result, the 20th century church has lived off the spiritual capital of the past with no vision, no leadership, and no strategy for implementing The Great Commission.
Now, in this new Jerusalem Factor "Workbook" you can put into practice all the things you read about in the book for yourself. go chapter by chapter and learn the plan that has brought millions to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is time to overcome any type of fear by learning from the hundreds of personal examples Dr. Wood shares from his lifetime ministry of soul winning. Simple, easy-to-understand lessons for a twelve-week study alone or in a group setting.
"The Jerusalem Factor" not only gives us a sense of mission but also the power tools necessary to build an effective soul-winning ministry. Here is a step-by-step manual that any Christian can follow and any church can capitalize on..." In this new Jerusalem Factor "Workbook" you can put into practice all the things you read about in the book for yourself. Go chapter by chapter and learn the plan that has brought millions to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
FREE Download The Secret to Multiplying Your Life is a sharp departure from what you might expect in Christian reading. This has the power to shake and then smooth the spiritual turmoil within you. In other words, this little book will move you out of your comfort zone! ASK YOURSELF ---- Do you feel out of step with today's society and real-world Christianity? Are you haunted by your lack of a vibrant faith? What are you truly passionate about? How will your life be remembered? You are about to embark on a journey. Get ready to multiply your life. You'll be moved by the 'why', motivated by the 'how', and then eager to begin. This book will ignite a long-dormant passion.